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  • Carol Stofer
  • Contact Me
  • 2699865763
  • cstofer@gmail.com

Default about me

In the fall of 1997 I was invited by a personal friend to attend a Stampin' UP! workshop in her Olivet, Michigan home.  Although I certainly wasn't interested in another hobby, I conceeded and decided to attend.  The demonstrator showed some very simple cards, no layering, no punches, just a simple image that we colored in with chalks, then we added a decorative edge to the cardstock with some fancy edged scissors.  Quick, and easy, and I was hooked!  I honestly don't think I slept well for months after that night as my mind was busy processing everything I'd seen.  I knew that I must share all that I had seen with others.  It took only a few short weeks to decide to sign up.  You see, at that time my full time job found me working from my home office.  Not much opportunity to interact with others except by telephone.  But Stampin' UP! got me out of the house, meeting new people, and the chance to make new life long friends.  I'm still as excited as the day I signed up, and have enjoyed every minute as a demonstrator.  Take an inventory of your life. What's missing?  Friendships, fun, time for yourself? Could Stampin' UP! possibly fill that void?